Thursday, February 15, 2007


A long chat with my dear friend Emilie convinced me to create a facebook account. The up side: I must say I like it because I've found so many friends in a very short period of time. The down side: I've spent a lot of my limited computer time finding people on facebook and that is delaying the promised post "a year in review" where I plan to share all the details of 2006. For those reading, IT IS STILL COMING!
Much love,

Friday, February 2, 2007


A Proclamation By the President
of the United States of America

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives each year. During American Heart Month, we renew our commitment to fighting cardiovascular disease by increasing public awareness of this deadly disease and understanding of how it can be prevented.

Today, millions of Americans live with some form of cardiovascular disease, including congenital heart disease, coronary heart disease, and high blood pressure. Individuals can reduce their chance of developing these and other types of heart disease by exercising regularly, maintaining healthy eating habits and weight, avoiding tobacco use, and monitoring cholesterol and blood pressure levels. All Americans should speak with their doctors about the dangers of this disease and get regular preventive screenings.

My Administration continues to help raise awareness of heart disease through initiatives such as "The Heart Truth" campaign, sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. First Lady Laura Bush serves as the National Ambassador of "The Heart Truth" campaign and works with partner organizations as part of her Women's Health and Wellness Initiative. The campaign informs women about the dangers of this deadly illness and encourages them to make cardiovascular health a priority. This year marks the fifth anniversary of the campaign, which uses the red dress as a symbol to remind women to protect their heart health and inspire them to take action. New data shows that fewer women are dying from heart disease, and more women are aware heart disease is the number one killer.

During American Heart Month, we honor the medical professionals, researchers, and all those whose tireless efforts are making a positive difference in the lives of those battling heart disease. By working together, we can continue to help the American people live longer and healthier lives.

In acknowledgement of the importance of the ongoing fight against cardiovascular disease, the Congress, by Joint Resolution approved December 30, 1963, as amended (77 Stat. 843; 36 U.S.C. 101), has requested that the President issue an annual proclamation designating February as "American Heart Month."

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim February 2007 as American Heart Month, and I invite all Americans to participate in National Wear Red Day on February 2, 2007. I also invite the Governors of the States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, officials of other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, and the American people to join me in recognizing and reaffirming our commitment to fighting cardiovascular disease.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-first.


I did a little research online and found that Congress has designated February as American Heart Month for over 40 years. Sadly, this is the first year that I've even been aware of it. First Lady Laura Bush has been appointed the national ambassador for "The Heart Truth" campaign as she has been active in promoting awareness. I plan to wear red throughout February to show my support of "American Heart Month" and raise awareness of heart disease. I highly recommend the American Heart Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for research on heart disease facts, prevention and personal risk factors.

Also, consider becoming CPR certified. Most people are aware that there are classes available for health care professionals, but many fire stations, hospitals, community colleges and local red cross chapters offer inexpensive classes for everyone. There are lots of online certification courses, but I suggest first attending a class complete with an experienced instructor and manikins to practice on.


Saturday, January 27, 2007


"By Grace Elect" has been my email and im address for years. I like what it means to me and I like the way it sounds. I have been given some grief about it, but people, read your Bibles! I do believe in grace (I don't believe this is really up for debate). I do believe in election (to what extent is important, but not the point of this introduction). I don't fully understand election and neither do you. I find it both irritating and immature/irresponsible/irrational (not sure of the right word here) when people purposefully neglect to study life-changing doctrines of Scripture because they are controversial. No, I don't care how long a Biblical topic has been studied and debated as "unclear." Yes, I do realize that God is infinite and therefore mysterious to the limited comprehension of man. Yes, I realize that we may never (expression; translation-not in this lifetime) know for sure. Again, not the point. So what is the point? WE (collectively and independently) NEED TO KNOW WHAT WE BELIEVE AND WHY WE BELIEVE IT!!! Not why because my daddy told me so, but why because the Bible says so. Are "good" Bible believing people going to come to different conclusions? Yes. While all sincere, could some be right and some be wrong? Yes. Still, "you do what you do because you think what you think and you think what you think because you believe what you believe about God, yourself, and His Word." This is why Holy Spirit-guided studying of God's word changes our understanding of God and that is evidenced by change in our lives! Believers (individuals who turn from their sin to trust in the propitiatory work of Jesus Christ alone to reconcile them to a right relationship with God) who teachably (genuinely seeking truth from God's perspective rather than trying to prove preconceived ideas) study controversial topics (doctrine-like election or principles-like separation) will be changed. My study of election is ongoing (about five and a half years), but not by any means exhaustive. It has changed the way I present salvation, fueled my enthusiasm for witnessing, impassioned my understanding of God's love, and increased my faith! Praise God!


I am all new to what I now refer to as "the Blogging World." That being the case, I thought I would start out with a blog entitled, "A Year In Review." Needless to say it's a big work in progress. The goal is to update family and friends on the details of the first year as Mrs. Benjamin R. Coulson. After that I plan to use this blog to post snippits (updates for family and friends) as well as various thoughts on God, good books, current events, fun facts, and anything else I find of interest. I've included my real name and email (see profile) for two reasons: I despise wasting 15 minutes on a blog trying to figure out who it belongs to (I only do this on the bju and nbbc lists trying to find people) and I want to get in touch with old or meet new friends (this being the point, email or comments encouraged).