Saturday, January 27, 2007


"By Grace Elect" has been my email and im address for years. I like what it means to me and I like the way it sounds. I have been given some grief about it, but people, read your Bibles! I do believe in grace (I don't believe this is really up for debate). I do believe in election (to what extent is important, but not the point of this introduction). I don't fully understand election and neither do you. I find it both irritating and immature/irresponsible/irrational (not sure of the right word here) when people purposefully neglect to study life-changing doctrines of Scripture because they are controversial. No, I don't care how long a Biblical topic has been studied and debated as "unclear." Yes, I do realize that God is infinite and therefore mysterious to the limited comprehension of man. Yes, I realize that we may never (expression; translation-not in this lifetime) know for sure. Again, not the point. So what is the point? WE (collectively and independently) NEED TO KNOW WHAT WE BELIEVE AND WHY WE BELIEVE IT!!! Not why because my daddy told me so, but why because the Bible says so. Are "good" Bible believing people going to come to different conclusions? Yes. While all sincere, could some be right and some be wrong? Yes. Still, "you do what you do because you think what you think and you think what you think because you believe what you believe about God, yourself, and His Word." This is why Holy Spirit-guided studying of God's word changes our understanding of God and that is evidenced by change in our lives! Believers (individuals who turn from their sin to trust in the propitiatory work of Jesus Christ alone to reconcile them to a right relationship with God) who teachably (genuinely seeking truth from God's perspective rather than trying to prove preconceived ideas) study controversial topics (doctrine-like election or principles-like separation) will be changed. My study of election is ongoing (about five and a half years), but not by any means exhaustive. It has changed the way I present salvation, fueled my enthusiasm for witnessing, impassioned my understanding of God's love, and increased my faith! Praise God!

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